Thursday, June 12, 2008

God, why should I trust you?

A friend wrote to me:

“I've been acting like there's no god and it's my job to fix everything and be in charge of everything and worry about everything and I know the next step is to take a leap of faith and trust in something bigger than myself so that I can give up all that futile control and actually feel alive. I feel like in choosing to trust in a higher power, I'm about to jump out of a plane and just hope that my parachute will open, but right now I don't really believe that it will. I've been living this story of if I don't hold everything together, I will die, but I see now that what's happening is that if I DO try to hold everything together, I will die. Because I've been clinging to everything pretty tightly and I feel pretty dead.

So that's the ugly spiritual dead zone I've stumbled into. I guess I am telling you this because sometimes I tell you things and I feel like I'm talking into a very clear lake and my problems just dissolve in you and then they don't seem so sharp and painful anymore. And also, I'd really love for you to help me understand what God even is or why I should trust something that I don't know about.“

God, spirit, matter.
How can one know God? What is God? Shall we ask, who is God?
We all agree there is matter. Even energy is pretty much a consensus these days.
Many have asked and wondered, could it be that we are only this? Only this body we see and feel, is the world only what we know from our sense organs?
Science will agree that beyond the senses there is energy. Energy is formless and moves in all direction.

Most spiritual systems, and religious streams, have agreed that there is something beyond matter. This something can be called God, this something might be more abstract than we can comprehend with our mind.

When we manage to know who we are beyond the mind, to go beyond our senses (including the mind), “realize” and know the true self, we discover a boundless source, we dissolve and merge with a field that is beyond time and space, an energy, God.

Does something happen when we discover God? Can we ask God for help?
Discovering God is discovering the true nature of things. It is seeing clear beyond the fog of the mind.
When seeing clearly, we find that we are not limited to the worries of the moment, that our being is more than the body we live in, that we are more than our profession or our relationships. Knowing that physically we all break down to cells that break down to energy, which flows throughout everything and everywhere, lets us understand (at least through the mind) that there is a connection, a part of “sameness” between us all (Some might call this the quantum field).
So how do we discover this GOD? This God is within us, it is part of us, and it is beyond us. Trusting oneself and the flow of energy that keeps moving into harmony by creating balance. Letting trust be part of us is not actively done. It happens when fear drops, when we no longer hold on to our perceptions, we can find liberation, a formless form of bliss.

I remember a Tibetan Meditation of “letting go”. Sitting down, closing the eyes, I visualize giving away all that I own; first physical things like clothes, furniture, car, house and yes, laptop. It took me some time to really be able to see all my life’s work on my computer disappear and be ok with it. Then, I started giving away my legs, arms, eyes (ouch), head, brain and mind. This took a while too. It did not happen in one sit.
What is left? What is it that exists in and beyond this matter? What is this force that is left. Who is the Witness?
Consciousness. What is this consciousness? Well, sit down and find out for yourself.

This is not a God that I ask forgiveness from. Not a God I worship, nor a God I fear.
This is a true power that is part of me, part of you, part of this floor I sit on, of the flower outside my window, and the moon reflecting on the ocean surface.

Knowing that we are this power, and that this power works here and now, from us and to us, we can be in a place of surrender with Power. No need to control anything or to force anything.
Intention is important, surrendering and allowing life take its course is important too.
I have an idea of what I want to do next, but I am accepting life as it comes, even if it does not meet my ideas of how I thought things might turn out.

Traditionally knowing God, or realizing oneself, ones true nature, is done by learning how to let the mind be still, be at rest when there is no need for it to work. It’s like learning how to let the legs be still when not walking.
In most eastern cultures, sitting with a straight spine, concentrating on one point is the first step. This is to train the mind to not wonder, to concentrate. Later we learn how to let go of the concentrating mind as well, as we drop into existence, into just being.

Holding on leads us nowhere. To live life fully we must embrace death as part of it, to understand that on a physical level we are dying every moment, and regenerating at the same time. If we realize who we are beyond this body, we can live life fully within this body, we can celebrate every moment of our existence, laugh and love fully and know that the power (God) is within each and every one of us.

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