Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My life since 2009 in brief

It has been long, way too long since I took the pen to write down my happenings. Maybe it was happening too fast, maybe it was the sense of domestication that left me no adventure to write even thou my life was surely full of news and local adventures.

Last I wrote about my personal life it was about my early experiences living in Palo Alto and teaching Ashtanga Mysore style yoga. The 3 months planned for me, turned into six. Summer here was fantastic. I spend much time reading out in my garden, teaching and practicing yoga. I was cooking a lot, but had little social encounters. It was like living in a cave within the great forest of modern life.

Since March my biggest encounter was with Kate that shared with me a great deal of time, love and philosophical discussions. I balanced our great talks with some Harry potter reading (got through the fourth book). Beyond my close family of Gil Debbie and Maya, she has been ears and eyes to the simple living of my soul.

Summer ended with leading a retreat to Esalen and then a trip to Israel. The Esalen retreat is a lot of work, but grants me satisfaction and learning beyond measure. My time in Israel as usual has a sense of nostalgic love, like reconnecting with an ex girlfriend for a period even though we know it will not last. When connecting with friends in Israel. It feels like we have just met a few days ago. Indeed much changes, but the core care and spirit of joyful connection never fades away.

As I returned to Palo Alto, opportunities opened up, and I took on some teaching adventures. I found myself skipping from studio to studio, teaching yoga. Accepting that I now live in CA, I have surrendered to buying a car. Mazda 3 hatchback fit my profile, dark grey or silver of course. I found a splendid dark grey with pumpkin orange leather seats to match. I smile every time I enter the car.

My passion for dance has continued and apart from Dancing 5 rhythms in Mountain View every Monday, I have given birth to Zen Dance; a beautiful space for self-exploration of body and beyond, of movement leading into the stillness of mind in meditation.

My initial sense of joy and gratitude towards all that came my way was tainted with some loneliness. Before long, Lauren came into my life. After one month of finding out that she surely is not for me, tables have turned and in no time she was staying with me regularly. So much so that for Christmas I flew down to meet part of her family and since then she has moved in. My urge to walk away and find my quiet solitude space for my continued self-development has overcome with a self of commitment to another being. Not only has Lauren moved in, and I was not about to let her find a place a month later, but I have discovered a partner, someone that is willing to join my journey and live life as oddly as it may get in the venture to find truth. I am full of gratitude for Lauren’s transformation and willingness to join in. I find that not only do we dive deeper into a commitment to live a life of complete meaning and truth, but we have also found endless laugh out loud moments. It is the life of a happy baby with a developed conscience we have taken on.

January 2010 has arrived, and with it another retreat to Esalen. No doubt I have found my calling. My life as a teacher has never been more rewarding. It has demanded of me to set an example even more so than ever before. The more I live the life I teach, the better my life becomes and the better my teachings are.

I am grateful for all those that walk with me this walk of life. Some of you I see regularly and talk to often, and some I carry in my heart and thought. I do value this connection that exists between us, even if it is unspoken of.

As 2010 arrives I can fully repeat what I say every year, this is the best year of my life!