Friday, December 21, 2007


Today the sun must have been feeling the moon. The moon was already up in the sky when the sun began descending. The moon, almost full, rising above the palm trees in a clear blue sky. It is Friday eve, On Sunday the moon shall appear full. It is full every night, shining with all its glory, yet we get to perceive it as full only once a month.
The moon does not seem to mind. It keeps on with its motion, with its fullness and nakedness, circling the earth, playing with the oceans, and a bit with our moods.

The sunsets in the past few days were nice but not remarkable. The sun set in full orange/red, but left no real trace in the sky. Only the waters kept a hint of pink in them after the sun was gone. Subtle sunsets.
Tonight. The sun was playing with the clouds, in and out. Appearing half, turning bright red, leaving streaks of warmed tone brush strokes within the cool colored clouds, reappearing, and just when the drums are roaming with the ocean waves, the sun speeds up its move and instead of waiting for the curtain to come down, it sinks behind the ocean.
Not sure where it went, or if it went anywhere at all. So much of life is just an appearance.
Was this real?

Big Vagator, one of the last beaches that have a long stretch of sand, with no cafés and beds on it, palm trees, some rocks, and Chapora fort on the hill behind. It’s a beautiful place to watch the sun kiss the ocean, letting light fade away, as we welcome the stars.

The stars, unlike the sun, will accept their low appearance as the moon glows, and will wait silently for another few days till the moons’ reflection of the sun dims away.

(Hmmm, nice to think of the stars waiting, when it’s us really that see all these different appearances. The stars are just the stars, as the moon is just the moon, each floating in its space, within its own rhythm. That’s one part of nature, we humans have not managed to tame…thankfully)

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