”It is worth remembering, that it is much more disheartening to have to steal than to be stolen from” Boris Lermontov [to Julian Craster] in the movie: The Red Shoes, 1948.
When someone takes from us, it means we had something. We had something that could be taken away. You can practice anger and loss, or celebrate that you had it to begin with, did not need to take it from others, and even practice compassion towards the thief that needed it so badly, that they had to go and steel it.
You may lose and idea, a concept, money, jewelry or even a relationship. Celebrate it while you have it, and allow it to continue its flow in the universe, as it was never really yours to begin with.
May you know lots of generosity in your life!
Blissful Living,
PS. Ready to find more balance in your life? Join me at Esalen, May 27-29.
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