Monday, March 16, 2009

Dublin, Ireland

As the bus rides into town from the airport, my view out the window seems like Brooklyn to me. The same type of brownstones with a front garden and metal fence, the same size sidewalk, the local Irish pub (really local here…), and a bit of rubbish around. As we get closer to the center I feel like entering Manhattan, with wider sidewalks, some older buildings mixed in with newer architecture, lots of people on the streets, and the sense that its alive. I cannot see up through the bus windows, so I skip the fact that the buildings are not trying to reach God.

My first few days are filled with street roaming, between shops and some parks, soaking the holiday feel coming up. St Patrick’s day is Tuesday, and Dublin knows that this is a big day. I felt a big day already Saturday as it was a double celebration of Birthdays, triple really, for Tony, Fiona and their Dad all celebrated in a big gathering a t a French restaurant. Tony and Fiona are my hosts to their native land, friends I met in the US thanks to Yoga. Tis such a small world, the Ashtanga community. Tony and I got to practice Ashtanga with Luke in Temple Bar (down town Dublin), and even though the first moment Luke asks me if I’ve practiced Mysore style before, a bit later he comes and asks me if I am the photographer. We both were practicing in Mysore, India at the same time, and it is not long till faces meat again on or off the mat.

I notice how spoiled I am with the abundance of organic produce in California when shopping for dinner. Last night I cooked dinner for Fiona, Betty and Tony, a grand veggie feast. It was lovely. Rich roasted parsnip and carrot soup with scallions, butter head salad with blue cheese in balsamic / lemon vinaigrette, whole wheat baguette, zucchini mushroom lasagna in red wine tomato sauce, and for desert, drunken plum in wine and whiskey over vanilla ice cream. I am always happy when people scrape their plates and ask for more, even when the lasagna has no meat or béchamel sauce. Bon Appétit!

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